Author Archive
January 7, 2013 by Ari Salomon
Cello ChiXtet
Amy formed the Cello ChiXtet — with cellists Jessica Ivry, Elaine Kreston and Elizabeth Vandervennet (see complete bios) — for the express purpose of bringing her song cycle The Secret Language of Subways to life. Since the work’s 2006 San Francisco premiere at Dance Mission Theater — documented on KQED TV’s “Spark” program — the ensemble […]
January 5, 2013 by Ari Salomon
Fill as Desired
Amy X Neuburg collaborates with the wonderful and versatile Solstice vocal ensemble to present her Fill as Desired (original title Beliebig Füllen) song cycle for female voices with live looping electronics. Sung in English, German and Czech, the songs are based on recipes that were collected by women in the Terezin concentration camp, cleverly layered […]
January 3, 2013 by Ari Salomon
Contact Amy regarding private or small group lessons in voice or electronic music, workshops, college residencies and so forth.
January 1, 2013 by Ari Salomon