Amy X NEUs
April 29 to May 1: Amy’s first orchestra piece!
Hunger Strike is a new commissioned 35-minute song cycle for the San Francisco Chamber Orchestra with the Squid Inc string quartet, and Amy on vocals and electronics. It’s a dense, avant-musical-theatery romp through many musings on solitude and solitary confinement. This is Amy’s most ambitious work to date — and the concerts are FREE!
Performed alongside Stravinsky’s Suite No. 1 and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7, on a program entitled Revolutionaries.
FRIDAY APRIL 29 7:30pm
Herbst Theatre
401 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco
First United Methodist Church
625 Hamilton Ave, Palo Alto
SUNDAY MAY 1 3:00pm
Valley Center for the Performing Arts
Holy Names University
3500 Mountain Blvd, Oakland
All performances are FREE OF CHARGE, first-come first-serve seating.
Amy is in a book
Amy is pleased to be included among the many interesting women profiled in this recently released book from German press Buddy’s Knife — Giving Birth to Sound: Women in Creative Music.
A nice review in All About Jazz.
To order the book, click the image above.
“Is it conflict free and were any animals harmed in the making of it?”
Mark Palmer did a lovely job of editing this video from the December 2014 performance of my piece for the Paul Dresher ensemble. We perform the entire concert again (10 songs by 10 composers, with projected images) in San Francisco in spring 2015.
A new interpretation of Jerry Hunt’s “Song Drapes”
This week! “They will have been so beautiful” at Zellerbach Playhouse
what I’m working on now
• Writing a piece for the Truman State University percussion ensemble, to premiere in October. They’re good! Look/listen. My piece, entitled Crowd Source, is for voice and 10 players (including 4 steel drummists). The lyrics were (mostly) crowd-sourced.
• Learning and writing music for December CalPerformances premiere of They Will Have been So Beautiful — my collaboration with the Paul Dresher Ensemble in which we perform photography-insired songs by 10 composers, including Paul and myself. Tickets are on sale Here, Now.
• Enjoying singing and recording with this fabulous band Vacuum Tree Head for their forthcoming CD extravaganza.
And in the planning stages:
• Creating my own interpretation (voice and electronic percussion) of Jerry Hunt’s classic 40-minute song cycle Song Drapes, to be performed at reiheiM series, Cologne, Germany, spring 2015.
• Finishing up the recording of my Fill as Desired song cycle for Solstice vocal ensemble, for a spring 2015 CD release.
• Then for the rest of 2015 will be hard at work on Hunger Strike for the San Francisco Chamber Orchestra with the Squid Inc. string quartet, voice, and live electronics; spring 2016 premiere.
And slowly amidst all that, enjoying the occasional spurt of solo weirdness, recording new studio songs in once-a-month day-long ICS sessions. Eventually this will result in a new release for your Spotifying pleasure.
-ing -ing -ing!
Latest news: Gerbode commissioning grant
I’m pleased to report that the San Francisco Chamber Orchestra and I will be recipients of a $50,000 Gerbode/Hewlett commissioning grant for composition and production of a song cycle for voice, electronics and orchestra. The full work, tentatively titled “Hunger Strike” and exploring aspects of hunger both literal and figurative, will premiere in spring of 2016 as part of the SFCO’s Main Stage concert series (San Francisco, Berkeley and Palo Alto).
Read the press release and this year’s list of recipients and projects (pdf).
Read about the San Francisco Chamber Orchestra. Their shows are always free!
Read about the Wallace Alexander Gerbode Foundation.